PowerLok® G2 high-voltage connectors
1. September 2022
How can I process the connector system
precisely and safely?
PowerLok® G2 high-voltage connectors are used for electrical combinations of batteries, powertrains, power distribution units (PDUs) and motors of electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid vehicles. Amphenol’s well-known connector system is also used in construction vehicles, trucks, buses and agricultural vehicles. In order to avoid faults in the electrics or electronics, the highest level of safety and precision is required, especially in the high-power current range. In order to offer our customers an optimal solution, intensive and extensive developments have been carried out. We now have over 20 crimp inserts in our product range. These cannot only be used for series production in combination with the #WDT UP 150 crimping machine, but also for repairs and in prototype construction together with the battery-operated hydraulic crimping tool EHC 13 in a mobile and safe way.
Interested? Questions? Or simply looking for a safe solution for your application? We are happy to be at your service.